I was very luck to participate in an exciting break-though physics driven project to interpret pressure pulse waves for intrawell monitoring. One of the Bronze medal projects I got during…
Oilseeker is a water-based viscous gel that selectively enters high water saturated zones and blocks them off during matrix acidizing treatments. https://www.slb.com/resource-library/case-study/st2/oilseeker-daill-alliance-russia-cs
Orenburg region is an intrinsically challenging region from oil and gas production standpoint. With more than 100 oilfields it has conditions varying from deep HPHT wells with tectonically formed traps…
Six years of continuous improvement of acidizing and acid fracturing techniques. Improving productivity of the region. https://onepetro.org/SPEFD/proceedings-abstract/14FD/1-14FD/D011S004R002/212822